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Our Blog
In this section, you'll find more information about specific topics, events, workshops, and more. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more.
The content in this blog is not a substitute for therapy and is to be used for educational purposes only.
Angelle Schott
3 min read
The Lenten Season - A Chance for Transformation
Lent is a season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as a preparation for the celebration of Easter.
Angelle Schott
7 min read
New Year’s Resolutions and Goals: To set or not to set...
Over the last few years, I have learned from others and myself that resolutions or goals are a valuable tool if done with a little bit of...
Angelle Schott
4 min read
The Blessed Advent Season
Advent is a season of hopeful waiting in for the birth of Jesus Christ...
Angelle Schott
3 min read
Tips for the Holidays - Remove the Stress, Keep the Joy
In case you haven't noticed in the stores or through the television ads yet, the holidays are coming. I wanted to share a few tips that can
Angelle Schott
6 min read
Choosing Joy through Rest, Openness to God, and living with a Youthful Heart
Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. God offers us the Fruits of the Spirit to help us in our daily lives, and it is up to us to...
Angelle Schott
3 min read
Strength comes from two places: our willpower and our Lord.
We only have so much willpower in a day. But, our Lord's strength is endless!
Angelle Schott
3 min read
Practice the 4 C's in Parenting
Every parent in the world will tell you that being a parent is hard work. When children are born,
Angelle Schott
2 min read
Parenting Tips for Today and Tomorrow
Do you have goals for your family's future? This post provides some tips on creating your vision and practical tips for everyday parenting.
Angelle Schott
2 min read
5 Tips for Spiritual and Mental Wellbeing
St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) wrote The Introduction to the Devout LIfe. This spiritual guide contains practical steps for achieving...
Angelle Schott
4 min read
Gratitude Journaling About 12 years ago, I started a practice that literally changed my life. I remember hearing my friends and...
Angelle Schott
2 min read
Breathing Technique
I find myself sharing this breathing technique with my clients often and thought it would be good for me to write it down as a reference...
Angelle Schott
2 min read
Remembering your Babies
As a kid, I imagined what my grown-up life would look like and of course, it didn’t turn out that way at all. I never imagined the amount...
Angelle Schott
3 min read
Gratitude can directly lift your mood by reflecting on things you find joyful, beautiful, and offers hope.
Angelle Schott
3 min read
Parents: Texting etiquette 101
Thoughtful tips for parents as their children begin using text messaging.
Angelle Schott
2 min read
Anxiety is real
I thought it might be helpful to share some basic information and tips on managing anxiety since 1 in 5 Americans will experience mental...
Angelle Schott
2 min read
A little more about Angelle
There is always a bit of fear, anxiety, and (crazy enough) joy and freedom in sitting down to write about why you are choosing to help...
Angelle Schott
2 min read
Limiting Beliefs
How do our beliefs affect what we do? When we take an honest look at our beliefs, we begin to see how we are limiting ourselves from...
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